I reflected on my gray hair journey a lot over the last year writing my first book Beauty Reinvented available December 1st, 2018. I second-guessed my decision to go gray probably a thousand times a day. I got so fed up with allowing myself to feel weak that I made my POWER MOVE. I walked right into my gray hair journey like a woman that knew what she wanted even if I was still a little unsure of what I was doing. When you decide that you are committed to your gray hair journey you step into your power.
Owning my crazy gray hair and labeling it my Power Move made me feel as though I was in control when I felt everything but in control. Society, friends, your boss can make you shrink in your stiletto’s and have you feeling like you are making the biggest mistake of your life. “No Sally, why would you do that to your hair?” “Jane, are you kidding? You will look so old.” or how about your own limiting beliefs like I could never get that job if I had gray hair! I see it over and over again on my private Facebook group (Beauty Reinvented) women posting day after day about their friend, or Mother saying how old they will look if they let their hair go gray.
Enough with the low vibe thoughts, statements and letting people or strangers inside your power space. Own what you feel is right for your life. The biggest point I want to make with you is that you are the one wearing the gray hair, YOU not them so whether you dye your hair or not it is your decision period.
It’s funny how I went through infertility researching my way to a real diagnosis. I got thrown into this group of people labeled “unexplained infertility” what does that even mean “unexplained?’ What, you can’t explain it? After five hundred tests you still can’t explain it? Interesting (eye roll). I found out that “unexplained infertility” is not a real diagnosis the more appropriate description would be a lazy diagnosis. I heard day after day how I had “advanced maternal aging” labeled, labeled and just labeled. Then here comes the gray hair now I have to deal with yet another layer of labels. When is society going to wake up and start thinking for themselves? The entire world can’t possibly believe that gray hair means one thing “OLD” or does it?
Listening to your Mother ramble on about how your gray hair will make her feel older, society telling you that you just put one foot in the grave, or the stranger creeping up behind you at the grocery store running his mouth takes you out of your power. You give up your positive energy flow when you don’t think for yourself. You dye your hair because that is what the magazines are showing each month and what the TV commercials are telling you is beautiful. See that’s the issue ladies, I will say it again, it’s not about if you dye your hair or not. It’s about taking control of your life and listening to yourself on what you want to look like at this very moment. When you stop and take the time to listen to what you feel deep down inside, that is when you will find your personal power.
How is the thought of gray hair making you feel?
Do you feel liberated? Do you feel sad?
Do you feel like you can take over the world with your new hair sans the dye?
What makes you tick when it comes to your beauty?
Those are the questions I want you asking yourself today.
Gray hair seems trivial in the big scheme of things with so much going on in the world today. But when you decide to let your silver shine your world can become very small, depressing and isolating. Where is your power then? How do you feel beautiful with silver hair when all you have known is black hair, brown hair, red or blonde?
Stop letting the world tell you how you should be wearing your hair. I don’t care if you are eighteen or eighty-eight silver, gray or white hair is a power move so Ladies, drop the baggage and step into your bold future.