#Girlboss, #Bossbabe, #LikeABoss are thrown around like candy in a social media world that’s all about image and the perception of success. What does being a Girl Boss mean? Is there pressure to be this perfect woman that #slays it like a #WomanOnTop all of the time? Are we creating more pressure to be perfect, always put together with the “perfect” life or maybe I should say showing the “perfect life?” I find myself even using these hashtags as part of my daily vocabulary and using them in my Instagram posts like they are going out of style. I even sell travel mugs in my studio that says “Like A Boss.” We all want positive images, mantras, phrases but where do trends stop and real life takes over? For the last couple of months every time I use one of these hashtags I think to myself “What does this mean?”

Photo Credit: Rick Gomez Photography
We live in a world now that is entirely run by media, social media and what people want you to believe is right. The constant need and desire to keep up the term #WomanOnTop, to post the next best image, the next best blog post, video, podcast and when you fail to fill this social media beast you have FOMO continually. Do I have enough followers? Oh, wait her massive following is fake? And I have been comparing myself/career/life to her? Listen I am also in this spin cycle of our new world just like everyone else, but I have been thinking about what a #GirlBoss is/does/lives/thinks. The most important thing to remember is that you are unique and not like everyone else. You don’t need to compare yourself to the next Instagram account, Facebook “Life” or business. The power comes from within not from a hashtag.

Photo Credit: Rick Gomez Photography
So what is a Girl Boss? Ask yourself that question, what does that mean to you?
What does a Girl Boss do? Is she a Mom that manages a household? Is she your retired neighbor that grows a garden? Is she your doctor? Is she the line cook at your daughter’s school? Is she YOU? Do you see where I am going with this?
Where does a Girl Boss live? LOL, this is getting silly because she lives everywhere in the world!
How does a Girl Boss think? Take the label off because you are a woman of power, of light, of discipline, of love. You have so much more to yourself than trying to be a Girl Boss.
Let me say there is nothing wrong with trends etc. or wanting to be a Girl Boss. I am pointing out that getting caught up in a trendy label, pushing yourself to be at some social media level of success is not something to strive for, it’s just that trendy.

Photo Credit: Rick Gomez Photography
Do I struggle with keeping up with the social media whirlwind I mean what entrepreneur doesn’t? I sometimes wish we could go back to 1988 where your phone had a cord attached to the wall, you weren’t allowed to have a phone in your room, and when you went out, NO ONE THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD IF THEY COULDN”T REACH YOU. Constant pressure to have better numbers not only with your bank account but in your social media accounts it’s almost like we don’t have a name just value by numbers. I think #Girlboss has seen its day and women are looking for more substance, more depth, more connection to not only a popular saying.
How you show up to the world is what is powerful, how you handle yourself in challenging situations is powerful. Life is not always comfortable, and with all the distractions we face now it’s incredible that we get anything done. We have apps that can deliver you anything from coffee to a driver. If you don’t get the information in a Nanosecond, the world feels like it’s coming unglued. Ask yourself what empowers you? What makes you feel powerful? I can tell you that it’s not Instagram or Facebook or a hashtag behind your name that says #Girlboss. In recent studies, one in five people say they feel depressed as a result of using social media.
Create your reality one that is real and true. Set out to impress yourself not anyone else. Reach for your goals, take that class, turn off your phone, look around, live, breathe, love, share, talk, speak, listen, hug, encourage, feel, because THAT is what counts ladies. You are what you believe and say to yourself start writing your story and live it.