Welcome to Beauty Reinvented where women are encouraged and live a life free of beauty stigmas. I am so excited to launch this website and create a safe space for women to connect and feel empowered. This website is dedicated to YOU the woman who is going through unexpected beauty changes at any age. Dealing with aging, gray hair, hormone issues, beauty overwhelm? Maybe you have lost yourself and want to feel beautiful again. This website is for You.
If you have been following me through my life and beauty challenges from infertility to gray hair you know, I don’t sugar coat my content. I tell you how it is right from the very start because being authentic is extremely important to me especially in a time where social media makes everything look perfect which it’s not. I am a beauty expert that keeps things real; it’s not about trying to be something you are not. I got to the point where I felt so disconnected from beauty when I was going gray that I told myself I have two choices. (1) I could allow my gray hair in my thirties to dictate how I thought about myself and my self-confidence or (2) I could embrace and accept what was happening and let other women know it’s OK to be different. It’s OK to not look like everyone else. Celebrate yourself, your hair, your difference because THAT ladies is what is beautiful.
I am on a mission to break through the gray hair stereotypes, the “You will look older,” “Gray hair is not flattering,” “Gray hair ages you.” ENOUGH with the dated thinking and comments. 2018 is the year of Gray Hair according to Allure magazine, the year you take back control of your thoughts on aging and who you are inside. Beauty is subjective, and I want you ladies to celebrate yourself each and every day. Social media doesn’t tell you what’s right and wrong with beauty; YouTube doesn’t tell you what beauty is, YOU say to yourself what beauty is and means to you. I want you to empower yourself and to embrace your age. It’s essential that you support other women going through beauty changes also.
Gray hair is not a solo journey but a journey worth exploring together. No judgment, no cattiness, no negative comments, no jealousy. Try it, ladies, try complimenting another woman something authentic and meaningful that will boost her day.

Photo Credit: Rick Gomez Photography
We all get our heel stuck in the groove of the pavement from time to time, but we don’t stop. Join me in the Beauty Reinvented conversation over on my private Facebook group; this is where women get BOLD and Fearless about their beauty with no apologies. I think it’s about time ladies that we get this beauty started.
You go, my lovely niece ❣️ I’m so proud of you and what you are doing to empower women ❣️ You are a great role model ❣️
Thank you beautiful! xoxo