It’s one thing to film a video it’s another to edit it and then watch it back. I was surprised at the reaction I had recently when I unexpectedly met another Silver Sister waiting in a line.

It’s becoming more apparent to me that it’s not just about the silver hair color that is connecting and pulling us together like a magnet. It’s bigger than that. The line of connection runs deep down into the soul of who we are and who we want to be in this world.
My video titled “How to Survive Your Gray Hair Journey” took an unexpected turn on the emotional roller coaster when I was filming. I never know what’s going to happen when I start shooting. On this particular video, I wanted to explain how Beauty Reinvented website even came to fruition, why I am so passionate about featuring other women on my blog and showing up in this world as a voice to break the beauty rules.
I mention a couple of examples of fate when publishing my book and meeting two women with compelling stories when I have been out and about town. I edited my video and watched it back multiple times, I started to second guess myself. Should I really be this vulnerable?
Should I let the world see me this emotional? I keep my emotions pretty close to the belt in general but after going through hell with IVF and connecting with women all over the world on what seemed to be one emotional explosion. I am much more lenient with myself when I have these little passionate windows to my soul.
Ladies, have you stopped and thought what your gray hair journey is all about? Is it really about hair color? Age? Or are you creating a bold voice/movement in society and within yourself?
I have sat and stared at the sky and thought how silly that I would let other peoples rules and ideas affect how I show up visually to the world. And I am so happy that I took the plunge in my thirties and said I DON’T CARE WHAT ANYONE HAS TO SAY ABOUT MY HAIR COLOR!!!!!!!
It’s about your attitude, building yourself up from the inside out and stepping into the uncomfortable feelings. If you are feeling uncomfortable, you are right where you need to be on this journey.
I decided that I wouldn’t be embarrassed or apologize about this video and how much I wave my hands around or how passionate I got on the topic. Most days I am still trying to be “perfect” but videos like this tell me to just be real and go with it. Stop fighting who you are and let that woman out.