I woke up this morning to a comment on my Instagram that went something like this: “Tartan in your knickers doesn’t line up…..not well made.” Hmmm, first I had to stop reading with one eye open and recall what the hell tartan was, Oh, right my underwear. WOW, someone is looking at the seams in my UNDERWEAR noticing they don’t match up? LOL I have made it!

I laid in bed looking at the ceiling thinking it’s amazing I am even taking pictures in my underwear at forty-three. It’s ironic because when I was shooting this shot, I would run over to my photographer Rick and say let me see how these are coming out. I then would proceed to tell many insults about my body or how the robe was laying. Rick always rolls his eyes and says something to the effect that I am foolish and not practicing what I preach. It’s the truth, for some reason we women like to beat ourselves up over little imperfections that in reality WE can only see.

I am just like you with not always being positive about my body, hair, skin you name it that is why I am so passionate about writing and speaking about being yourself, embracing your age and finding the silver lining that we all have inside.
It’s not so much about the tartan or my ridiculous thoughts about my body in this photoshoot but how women are so quick to point out the negative, the flaws in each other. Why is that? I know the comment about my dysfunctional seams on my underwear isn’t a huge deal and maybe it’s true that the seams are beyond screwed up, but it’s the underlying energy and example that this statement creates. Perhaps the woman that wrote the comment is very unhappy with her life, maybe she is sad around the holidays, and this made her feel better, or maybe she is coming apart at the seams (pardon the pun) and needed to say something that was just true and obvious? Whatever it was it wasn’t positive no matter how you try and lessen that comment.

So what is the lesson today? What’s your take away? Think about what you are saying first before you say or write it. The holidays are a very highly emotional time for a lot of people. Think about how your comment might make someone else feel. Do you think it will empower that man or woman? Do you think it makes you a better person if you say it? Get real with yourself, find out where your intentions are with the words and comments you say.
Words are powerful make yours be a reflection of who you are.