Do you know what to expect when you stop dyeing your hair? I didn’t and I suspect the majority of women don’t either. Let’s keep it, real Ladies, we have dyed our hair for decades why would we think about all the pitfalls when we stop dyeing our hair?
I think it’s essential anytime before you wander in an unchartered territory such as the gray hair transition to get an overview of what to expect. I filmed a video a couple of months ago called What To Expect When Going Gray. I receive dozens of DM’s and emails a week from women telling me they had no clue on what to expect and wished they had some idea before they kicked their dye box to the curb.
I have rounded up five things to remember when you stop dyeing your hair.
Go into this exciting and unique time in your life with the knowledge of where the challenges and emotional pitfalls are, so you are prepared when you hit those rough patches. I feel the more you know, the more successful you will be with your gray hair goals.
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